By: LJ Vanier
So, you lost your twin flame. Sounds familiar. Whether you were the one who ran, or you are the one who is chasing. Guaranteed right now, you are feeling lost, confused and completely heart-broken.

You also may be wondering how it is at all possible that someone else could hurt you so very deeply. Before you even knew it you were up to your neck with this person. This energy, this wave that overcame you and knocked you off of your feet.
Know that you are not alone. There are many others who are going through the same experience right now, and on the other hand, there are others who will never understand your current situation. That is, because unless you’ve been through it, you just won’t understand.
As someone who has gone through this experience personally, I have nothing but experience to share and upon reflection knowledge to give to others. You may find throughout your quest in seeking understanding, many websites or books those who call
themselves “twin flame life coaches” and other nonsense. But anyone charging a dollar for their services, are a sure-fire way to know that you’ve just found “a fake guru or spiritual teacher“. Anyone who really cares about you isn’t going to charge a dime for their advice. Would your friends charge you to talk things out? No.
themselves “twin flame life coaches” and other nonsense. But anyone charging a dollar for their services, are a sure-fire way to know that you’ve just found “a fake guru or spiritual teacher“. Anyone who really cares about you isn’t going to charge a dime for their advice. Would your friends charge you to talk things out? No.
In this article we are going to reflect upon the Runner and Chaser phase of a twin flame separation. Assuming at this point you have met with your twin, experienced the bubble love phase and now the bubble has burst, leaving you completely destroyed inside.
There are many symptoms following a twin flame separation and they are not like normal breakups. These symptoms can include severe insomnia, unexplained pain in the heart or chest, irrational thoughts leading to psychosis as well as unpredictable and obsessive behaviour. Quite literally you feel as if you have lost your mind.
The pain cuts so deep that it feels impossible to embrace it and heal, because the separation is too much for you to swallow. A twin flame separation can quite literally bring you to your knees, and in fact, that is the purpose of it. To surrender, surrender to your pain, surrender to your suffering and surrender to yourself.
Upon the separation, immediately it is easy to identify yourself with either role. If your twin walked away first, you associate yourself with being the chaser, and if you walked away you then associate yourself as the runner.
The chaser will continue to chase and the runner continues to run, as this mirrored push-pull continues on. The chaser will not give up looking for new angles to try to kindle the flames. But eventually, gives up and surrenders. The ego takes hold as he or she realizes the irrational behaviour.
Upon this surrender, the chaser will soon find that he in fact was not the chaser all along. But the runner.
You see twins are a mirror image of each other, your twin flame is you. In chasing the external you are chasing the attachment. You are chasing what you believe love should be. You are chasing the fairy tale you have built up in your head and you are trying to grasp what cannot be held. Like holding water in your hands, love can only flow through, it cannot be held. So in all of the chasing, you finally see that you were running away from yourself. When you chase your twin you run from yourself, so quite literally you are running from yourself… and running from your twin. So now that we’ve identified the fact that both the runner and chaser are in fact running from themselves… and as we know your twin flame is you. Now we can understand that there is no possible way to be together for as long as you both are running.
What to do? Let go.
When we remove all emotion, all judgement, and all expectation there is only love left. Love is found in the stillness of the soul. Love is without action, without attachment or need. Love is the subtle energy that flows through all of creation. Love transcends your being into ascension. Love is the harmony and the music of the universe, love is all there is.
Within this stillness you will find a knowing, that you are just a vessel and the vessel is the illusion. The one love is the truth.
This post was republished from You can find the original post here.