Do you notice or even feel frustrated because the
supplements, medicines, diets, and modalities that seem to work for other
people don’t work for you? Do you do what most would consider “all the right
things” for your health and spirit and still feel that you are not functioning
optimally? Do your energies, moods, and immune system feel like they need a
boost even when you take extra time for “self-care?”
If you answered “yes” to the previous questions, there is a
very good chance that you are part of the 1% of the population that is
genetically of higher frequency. People of higher frequency tend to be
described as “hypersensitive,” empathic, intuitive, creative, sometimes
perfectionistic, and (wonderfully!) complex. Despite finding that other people
are drawn to them, higher frequency individuals often feel alone in this world
because they comprise so little of the population.
However, they continue to move forward with their lives in a
unique, heart-centered way. They live almost strategically in different parts
of the globe as “light workers,” here to carry out their important mission or
“Cosmic Call to Action,” which is to help our species and planet survive and
thrive as a more consciously awakened world.
As a result, higher frequency people usually share many of
the following attributes during this human experience:
1. A desire to find, confirm, or capture the essence of
their true spiritual “home,” partner, family, and/or community.
2. A feeling that entities or angels are around them. They
may even see or hear those entities on occasion.
3. A feeling that they aren’t achieving the success,
relationships, and happiness they desire—despite having outstanding skills,
capacities, and intelligence.
4. Changes in moods, emotions, and energy levels that appear
to reflect the people or planet around them, as much if not more than their own
5. Moments of feeling more “awakened” or conscious, but
finding those times short-lived or unsustainable in 3D daily life.
6. Vivid dreams, and even moving, speaking, or acting out
while asleep.
7. Periods of intense “shedding” of relationships,
responsibilities, or priorities.
8. A feeling that time is moving much faster or even
“getting lost” during regular activities.
9. Enhanced awareness of synchronicities and believing that
there are no “coincidences” or “accidents.”
If you are of higher frequency, you likely also share a
number of the following beliefs, perspectives, and ideologies:
1. “Service to Others” is your mantra or motto, which helps
dictate the decisions that you make and all that you are and do. You know that
what you do to and for others will affect you and your loved ones sooner or later—because
we are all connected by frequencies, energy, our planet, and karma.
2. You see our earth and the human experience as a smaller
part of a bigger picture. You feel almost like we humans are the experiment,
playground, or “school” for spirits, entities, or forces from other dimensions,
including some of your own soul’s energy source.
3. You understand that it usually takes dire situations to
open people’s minds. You so want to be genuine in your interactions with others
in your daily life, but feel more like you have to be a metaphysical “Clark
Kent” and keep your Superman thoughts and talents in your back pocket. You find
that it’s not until you come to the rescue of others in dire straits that they
can look past your more spiritual cape and approaches. They are finally more
open and just grateful to be helped.
4. You believe that happiness may or may not be the goal of
this incarnation, but that living a life that is consistent with your purpose
will produce all of the fulfillment you could ever want. It’s not about
imitating what others call a “successful life.” It’s about feeling like you are
on your OWN best path to your destiny.
5. You believe that your destiny is set and is great, but
that free will and frequency can and will change the timing, ease, and
efficiency of fulfilling that destiny. Consequently, you look to strengthen
your frequencies and awareness level more than most.
6. You follow your heart, recognizing what science has
finally proven. The heart senses and reacts to an event before it ever happens
and even before the brain can process it. The heart really knows best, and
7. You don’t like that money is the focus and basis of our
current world. You prefer to see people for how they are and what they feel,
and not for what they have or whom they know. You prefer to exchange services
and talents rather than money. For you, sharing your art, time, and expertise
tends to reflect more of what’s in the heart than any other currency ever
8. You love and honor our planet and the natural universe.
You feel the pains physically and emotionally when Mother Earth is ailing or
rumbling. You may also feel the pull or mental and physical disruption during
events like the moon’s cycles, solar flares, planetary alignment, etc. It
sickens you that humans have prioritized greed rather than sustainability and kindness
to the living things around us.
9. You recognize that each person has a different part in
our global community. Regardless of rank, role, or training, each person is
valued and crucial to the greater picture. The student is as important to the
teacher as the teacher is to the student, as are the construction crews that
build their school and the maintenance crews that keep it beautiful.
If the qualities and tendencies mentioned above resonate
with you, then you probably have lots of experiences being and/or surrounded by
a higher frequency person. It may not come as a surprise that–because of all of
the energies that higher frequency people take in and take on from the world
around them–they are quite prone to: food and environmental allergies; thyroid
issues and adrenal fatigue; inflammation leading to digestive and/or joint
issues; depression, addictions, or extreme highs and lows in mood; and intense
relationships to sexual activity, body image, and/or exercise. Most higher
frequency individuals feel the need to regroup or refresh by being alone and
away from the energies of other people; by spending time in water or nature; by
engaging in sports or physical activity; and/or by getting lost in music,
dance, or other forms of expressive art—all to help rid themselves of the
frequencies they take in, as well as to help rebalance their own energy
While being a super-charged human has its challenges,
lessons, and contrasts, you contain the Divine fabric, energies, and soul that
represent the next steps for our human species. Because 3D life as a higher
frequency person is complicated, it is neither helpful nor expected for you to
live in perpetual bliss, nor to isolate instead of participate in this world.
Any discomfort and confusion you experience pave the way for your sincerity and
ingenuity; your resilience inspires others; and your tenacity is the hope for
our future. Most importantly, by living a life that resonates with you, you
move others to transform in positive and profound ways too. Although you may
not always receive the applause, recognition, or gratitude that you deserve
from others, as with most pioneers, your trials, tribulations, and triumphs are
pivotal, and will be appreciated for generations to come.