Friday, June 17, 2016

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children says roughly 800,000 kids are reported missing annually in the United States. I must note, though, that doesn’t mean a whole bunch of strangers are going around snatching 800,000 kids – of that bunch, 115 are ‘stranger abduction’ cases.

It’s a parent’s worst nightmare, to have a child go missing. But you can take great strides towards preventing it from ever happening to your child (as is the case with the overwhelming majority of children) by having honest, open conversations about safety with your children.

The video I’ll share shortly highlights just how important it is to make sure your kids know you would never, ever send a stranger to pick them up.

This is one of many things to keep in mind when speaking about safety with your kids – in a world where 80% of abduction by strangers occurs with the first contact happening within a quarter mile of the child’s home, you can’t assume that your child will be safe just because you know exactly where they are.

Many perpetrators grab victims on the street or use vehicles to lure them.

Pretty Loaded is a personal safety training company founded by Beth Warford, who herself was stalked and made the decision to educate others on personal safety.

In this video, a girl is shown being tricked into a kidnapping by a very simple and sinister lie that I’m sure very many children would have a hard time not reacting to in some way. Watch to learn the importance of educating your child on their safety.

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