I think at some point or another, we've all
had run ins with sociopaths - people who get into your head, maybe seem
innocent, but simply want to manipulate you for their benefit.

Sometimes they're family members, sometimes
friends, or members of the clergy, or coworkers; they really can appear nearly
anywhere in your life. These are 6 things sociopaths try to say to control us:
01. "You're just ________."
Fill in the blank. "Enamored with
me." "Jealous." "Crazy." "Bipolar."
Whatever. Sociopaths often get down in the gutter and resort to name-calling to
diminish your self-worth and make you insecure. By bringing you down, they
bring justification to their unhealthy behavior and keep you hooked on them.
02. "You just didn't understand me."
Sociopaths will do something often referred
to as "gas lighting," which is when you do something that causes a
negative reaction then blame the person for their negative reaction, saying
that they didn't understand what you were trying to say.
03. "Stop being so sensitive."
When a sociopath pushes your button and makes
you mad or elicits another negative creation from you, they'll defend what they
said or did by telling you you're too sensitive. You need to "toughen
up." This is, of course, a way for them to excuse themselves of any guilt
and keep you hooked on them.
04. "Stop being dramatic."
When a sociopath accuses you of being
dramatic, you're trying to remove any validity from your emotions and reactions
that might exist. They're simply trying to tear you down and make you second
guess how it is that you actually feel.
05. "You're reading too much into
There are most definitely times that we read
too deep into things and take away things that were never actually there, but
sociopaths often do things to make you on edge or paranoid - really anything to
make you question their motives, all in the hopes that they can belittle your
intuition and make you feel crazy.
06. "You'd never survive without
Once you've begun to deconstruct a sociopath,
the baser form of their manipulation begins to surface. What they want with you
isn't a healthy relationship, be it platonic or otherwise. What they want is
control over you, and they control you by making you feel like you're crazy.
Don't let them get away with it. You can survive without them.
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