By: Neon Nettle
Japanese scientists are dumbfounded by the
Japanese scientists are dumbfounded by the
new discovery after conducting an autopsy on a large group of dolphins that
where discovered washed up on a beach close to the Fukushima disaster site.
Each dolphins lungs were white, which is
according to scientists, an indication of loss of blood to the organs - a
symptom of radiation poisoning.
The translated article comes from EneNews:
Google Translate: Ibaraki Prefecture… for a
large amount of dolphin which was launched on the shore… the National Science
Museum… investigated… researchers rushed from national museums and university
laboratory, about 30 people were the anatomy of the 17 animals in the field.
[According to Yuko Tajima] who led the investigation.
“the lungs of most of the 17… was a pure
white ischemic state, visceral signs of overall clean and disease and
infections were observed”… Lungs white state, that has never seen before.
Systran: The National Science Museum
investigated circumstance and cause etc concerning the mass dolphin which is
launched to the seashore of Ibaraki prefecture… the researchers ran from the
museum and the university laboratory… approximately 30 people dissected 17…
[Yuko Tajima] of the National Science Museum which directed investigation
research worker [said] “the most lung 17 was state with true white, but as for
the internal organs being clean”… The lung true white as for state, says… have
not seen.
Fukushima Diary: According to National
Science Museum, most of the inspected 17 dolphins had their lungs in ischaemia
state… The chief of the researching team stated, “Most of the lungs looked
entirely white”… internal organs were generally clean without any symptoms of
disease or infection, but most of the lungs were in ischaemia state. She said,
“I have never seen such a state”.
Wikipedia: Ischemia is a vascular disease involving an interruption in
the arterial blood supply to a tissue, organ, or extremity that, if untreated,
can lead to tissue death.
Many reports have been published on the links between ischemia and
radiation exposure:
“It has been shown that the ionizing radiation in small doses under
certain conditions can be considered as one of starting mechanisms of… IHD
[ischemic heart disease].” –Source
“Radiation risks on non-cancer effects has been revealed in the
[Chernobyl] liquidators… Recently, the statistically significant dose risk of
ischemic heart disease… was published.” –Source
“Incidence of and mortality from ischemic heart disease (IHD) have been
studied in a cohort of 12210 workers [at] Mayak nuclear facility… there was
statistically significant increasing trend in IHD incidence with total external
gamma dose.” –Source
“Numerous studies have been published concerning non-cancer diseases in
liquidators… the risk of ischemic heart disease… seems increased.” –Source
“In 1990 the International Chernobyl Project has been carried out under
the aegis of the IAEA… It is known that the international experts who had taken
part in the International Chernobyl Project were aware of the report by the
Minster of the Ministry of Health Care of Belarus delivered at an informal
meeting arranged by the IAEA… The Belorussian Minister reported about… the
worsening of the general health state of the affected population… “Among adults
in 1988 there was a two- to fourfold increase, in comparison with preceding
years, in the number of persons suffering from… ischemic heart diseases” –Source
“In a study on a Russian cohort of 61,000 Chernobyl emergency workers… a
statistically significant risk of ischemic heart disease was observed.” –Source
This post was republished from You can find the original post here.