Cat – one of the most magical animals on
The aura of the cat is so big, that includes
not only the individual, but also his family, home, and territory that the cat
is committed to.
Therefore, we must understand that when a cat
rubs against your legs, it’s not only that it’s trying to get some food from
you, but it also means that the cat is sharing its magic with you, its astral
force. The one who pushes the cat away at this moment, saying “leave me alone,
get out” simply blocks that positive energy the cat was trying to give him or
her. Next time the cat won’t share its astral force field with you, as a matter
of fact, it may even take some of yours.

Cats don’t only protect the home from evil
spirits entering it, but it also protects the house from negative energies that
resided there before even the cat came to the house. This is especially useful
if you move to a home that belonged to other people before, or a house where
bad things happened.
Evil Spirits An Ghosts!
When a cat senses a spirit in the house, the
first thing it does is following it around in order to figure out its
intentions. To make sure that this astral entity won’t threaten its territory,
the cat is making every attempt possible to expel it through her energy field
displacement. If that doesn’t work, the cat traps the entity in its energy
field and leads it out oh the house. Hence, in some traditions, there were
motives when the evil spirit rides or flies on a cat.
So, pay close attention to your cat and
notice whether it keeps returning to a certain spot in the house, keeping a
tense posture, and obviously staring at something. Such a behavior can be a
sign of an evil presence. To help your animal to get rid of any evil spirits,
read a prayer over the spot or do a cleansing ritual. If you don’t know any prayers or rituals, you
can simply burn some White Sage – it’s a powerful way for getting read of
negative or stale energy.
The cat’s astral field is so strong that it
can easily chase any negative entity away. For this reason, people who
communicate with spirits don’t allow cats in the room where a seance is taking
place . It can scare the astral beings. However, in some cases the presence of
cats during magic rituals, is very encouraged.
Cat And House!
The presence of cats will also protect you
from any evil eyes and curses. But in order to protect you from an evil eye, or
during a conversation with a person whom
you suspect of impure thoughts, you need to keep your hands on the cat, using
your left hand for stroking her neck, and your right one for stroking its tail.
In this case, you will be in full contact with the animal. Your energy fields
will come together in a single force field that will keep you safe even from
powerful attacks.
Since cats are conduits of cosmic energy,
they can bring positive energy into the house, which will contribute to the
welfare and prosperity of the whole family. Cats like being in places where the
energy is strong, like in geopathogenic zones. They often choose these places
because there is a strong negative energy flow or underground water.
Russians used to have a very interesting
ritual: when moving to a new place of residence they first let a cat in the
house. If the house was old, the cat was taking care of all the unwanted
negative energy – a remainder of the former owners. If the house was new, it
demanded “a ransom,” which represents a powerful energy charge that a cat can
Cat Healing!
A great use of cats’ magical powers is found
in healing. Cats of any breed and color have the ability to treatment and may
inadvertently treat their masters, lying on their sore spots. One of the
easiest methods of treatment with the help of a cat – a simple stroking her,
release people from mental and emotional stress. In healing cats are used to
improve vision too. To this end, some healers advise to pet tail white cat.
In terms of the psycho-emotional effects on
humans, cats with congenital (not acquired!) main features of the body structure
and facial (scottish-fold, Persians and Exotic, Bobtail, sphinxes, munchkins,
Rex), have double magic powers!
Cat Color Decide Your Need
Those people who are going to use the magical
properties of the animal, need to know how to choose a cat. In some cases you
need a black cat, and in others a red-haired cat. When choosing a cat for a
magical procedure it is very important to take their color into consideration.
Black: witchcraft, occult powers, protection,
deep magic! Despite all the superstitions, the beasts of color take negative
energy is removed from the trouble of households, grant wisdom and discernment!
Red (red) cats and cats: the classic witches
moon, full of male power, the power of the sun, Yang energy. No matter of the
cat sex, the representatives of this color are the magic of wealth, money,
Blue (gray, smoky gray): Cats of this color
bring love, happiness, good luck, as well as emotional stability and sensual
White: cat-and-sorcerers create lunar magic,
have powerful healing powers! Give people a sense of beauty and admiration,
relieve stress, give out healing and recharging energy! In America, considered
a good omen.
Colorpoint (Siamese), the royal color! Cats
with the color of diluted Siamese temples, jealously guarding the purity of the
color. Cats of this color bring fame and success, longevity, help in the solar
magic, Yan energy!
Calico (Three-colored) – Cat supreme goddess.
The classic three-color combination white color varieties (maiden), red
(parent: the mother and father), deep black -color magic! This color is
associated with the triple goddess. Calico cats are good luck and on land and
at sea, keep home and family from harm, are happiness and prosperity!
Two-tone (black-and-white, orange-white, gray
and white): according to legend, two-colored cats best Mouser and very
friendly. Allow the energy of wisdom, understanding and common sense!
Tortoiseshell: Women’s magic, because this
color pattern is inherited only by females. Children, pure magic, the giver of
clairvoyance, healing.
Golden, golden brown (like the Abyssinian):
revered temple cat, playful, wise, regal, which bestows grace, helps to master
the age-old wisdom, solar magic.
Tabby (striped): smiling Cheshire cat, which bestows good luck, light,
cheerful attitude to the situation, even the most critical, energizing humor
and fun!