Acupressure or the method of applying
pressure on certain points on the body in order to relieve pain has long been
part of Eastern holistic medicine. In
recent decades, this method has started gaining recognition in the western
world as well and today people use acupressure to reduce pain in many different
parts of the body.
This holistic pain-relieving method is based
on the theory that there are several acupressure points on the body, which when
pressed properly can relieve a number of painful conditions and discomforts.

The best thing about acupressure is that you
can use it yourself as it doesn’t require medical or expert attention. The
thing is the healing pressure massage on certain parts of the body, also called
acupressure points, relieves pain and improves overall health. To be more
specific, acupressure doesn’t only reduce pain, but it also relieves nausea,
vertigo, headaches etc.
One thing you can treat with this method is
heart palpitations. We have all experienced the unpleasant feeling of increased
heartbeat when we are stressed out or anxious. Although not life-threatening,
this condition can be really upsetting. But, you can easily normalize your heartbeat
by applying pressure to the point known as the ‘sea of peace’ in holistic
This point is located in the central part of
the breast bone. To reduce your heart palpitations, press this point with your
thumb and hold for 1-2 minutes. Make sure you breathe deeply while performing
the treatment!
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