The Chinese alternative medicine is based on
the belief that Chi or Qi energy flows through the body through so-called
meridians. Blocked meridians and interrupted energy flow leads to certain
ailments which can be relieved with acupressure or acupuncture, techniques
which should expand the energy and restore proper organ function.
Every meridian in the body is connected to a
certain organ. They also have pressure points, and it is believed stimulating
them with massage or acupuncture will release the blocked energy in the
meridian, effectively resolving any problem with a certain organ. Applying
pressure on such a point should restore the qi flow to the organ.
Placing an ice cube on the same spots is also
believed to improve the energy flow and your overall health as well. If you
always wanted to try acupuncture or massage, this is a quick way of exploring
the wonders of Traditional Chinese medicine at home. The point on the neck
which you should apply the ice cube on is located between the tendons in the
neck, at the base of the skull and top of the neck, close to the hairline base.
Acupuncture calls this point Feng Fu or Wind Mansion, and stimulating this
point, in this case with an ice cube, can improve your well-being.
Sit or lie on your stomach and put an ice
cube on the Feng Fu point, then hold it in position for 20 minutes, securing it
with a bandage or scarf. It will feel icy at first, but you should be able to
feel the influx of heat within a minute. Repeat the method twice a day (in the
morning and evening) to stimulate endorphin release into the bloodstream and
stimulate the energy. Traditional Chinese medicine says that stimulating the
Feng Fu point will re-energize your body and improve your health, while also
providing the following benefits:
- Improves the quality of your sleep;
- Improves the work of your digestive system;
- Eliminates colds;
- Reduces toothache, headaches and joint pain;
- Help treat asthma;
- Treats thyroid disorders;
- Improves your breathing;
- Treat gastrointestinal problems;
- Treats menstrual disorders;
- Manages stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression.
Note: the treatment is not recommended if you have a pacemaker, if
you’re pregnant, or suffering from epilepsy or schizophrenia. Watch the video
below to see how to properly stimulate the Feng Fu point:
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