When you spend a day at the swimming pool, it’s only
normal that you would feel exhausted and sleepy, especially if you are a child
who’s been extremely active throughout the day. This is exactly why Cassandra
Jackson didn’t suspect anything when her son told her he needed some sleep when
he got home after spending the day at the pool.
Johnny, 10, went to bed after
the exhausting day and his mother didn’t suppose that anything was wrong with
him. She went to check on her child afterwards and was surprised at what she

The child had foam on his mouth and had difficulties
breathing. After taking him to the ER immediately, the mother was told that
what happened was ”Secondary Drowning“ and it was a condition that resulted
from swallowed water that can occur within 72 hours.
Though rare, secondary drowning can be fatal if
warning symptoms are ignored. Anytime someone (children and adults alike) inhales
even a small gush of water (pool, lake or ocean) it can irritate the lungs and
cause swelling. Usually very little water is present in the lungs when
secondary drowning occurs, but the small amount of liquid is enough to hinder
the lungs ability to provide oxygen to the bloodstream.
If your child has had a near drowning, or perhaps
swallowed too much water, keep a close eye out for the symptoms of secondary
drowning and take them to the hospital immediately. Symptoms can even take
between one and 72 hours to appear.
Here’s what to look for:
Excess fatigue after bathing
Shortness of breath after bathing
Irritability or mood swings, for no apparent reason.
Please SHARE this with your friends
& family. It would save someones' life..
Source: healthyfoodteam.com