There is a power within you that can change the way you see the world. It is your sixth sense, your third eye.
The third eye is not really a part of the physical body. It is part of the second body which is etheric body ( the subtle body or the sukshma sharir).
Your etheric body is a body which is similar to your physical body over which it is superimposed, it has a corresponding spot in the physical body, but it is not part of it.
That is why physiology cannot believe that there exists a third eye or anything like it, because your skull can be analyzed, penetrated, x-rayed, as there is no physical entity which can be said to be the third eye, so far the closest reference scientist discovered on psychical body is the Pineal Gland.
This Secret is something which secret societies and the Illuminati have been knowing for many many years.
The third eye is part of the subtle body, the sukshma sharir.
The third eye allows you to perceive the world beyond the capabilities of your physical senses.
Once the third eye’s power is harnessed, you will be able to see things you have never imagined before, like other people’s auras, you will also be able to see the spiritual dimension and receive clairvoyant messages clearly most especially from your spirit guide.
Basically, it will allow you to see things you have never seen before; hear the divine sounds you haven’t heard before; feel impressions and feelings that you haven’t felt before; realize thoughts and insights which are alien… out of this world..
However, there are many instances when the third eye is blocked. There are various causes to a blockage in the sixth sense and it is important to identify it first so appropriate action can be taken.
Basically, the cause of blockage can be classified in two: blockages caused by yourself or by other people.
You can cause a blockage to your sixth sense by letting fear, anxiety or disbelief take over you. Are you scared of seeing ghosts or scary images? Fear of unknown.
Blockage can be also because of past life karmic influence, past lives tragic death or lack of spiritual lifestyle in past lives.
Are you doubting whether you possess a third eye or not? Do you believe it is real? Disbelief can also be a cause to block the sixth sense.
If these are the reasons why you cannot open your third eye, you have to learn to let go and release these negative emotions. They are only blocking you from a spiritual journey that will significantly improve your life.
It is also possible that the blockage can be done by other people. If you have a skeptic friend or relative with a strong disbelief in your spiritual life or taking away your self respect, this may cause a temporary or even a permanent emotional blockage to your intuitive senses.
This is a more complex cause to deal with as it is hard to sway a person’s belief or self respect.
The best option is to create a harmonious relationship with this other person; one that stands on the foundation of respect of each other’s beliefs.
Practice a healthy spiritual and meditative lifestyle, eat more of organic green veggies and fresh fruits and if possible give up on non veg food.
When you have now identified the cause, it is now time to work on unblocking your third eye. Understanding how energy flows through your physical eyes and third eye will enable you to successfully gain control of your sixth sense.
A blocked third eye receives no form of energy; hence, to unblock it, you need to divert energy from other sources to your third eye.
Because of their proximity to the sixth sense, the best source of energy are your two physical eyes. To redirect energy to the third eye, you must first allow your physical eyes to become unseeing.
How do you do this?
Just close your eyes and focus your eyes on the forehead, exactly where the two eyes meet. With closed eyes, focus there for few seconds, initially and then maybe a minute or more latter, channeling your energy to your forehead where your sixth sense is located.
As you focus on that part between your two eyes with eyes closed, allow your two physical eyes to stop moving. If they are static, they require no energy to function thus allowing the energy to flow to the next nearest location, your third eye.
You may not be successful in unblocking your third eye on the first time but with constant practice, you will finally be able to pass some energy to your sixth sense.
This post was republished from You can find the original post here.