Friday, June 9, 2017

Do soulmates really exist? It’s a crazy idea that there is a single person out there who is perfect for us — not just someone who is our supporter and life-long companion, but a special someone who can make us feel whole again, who enriches our spirit and takes us to a whole new level.

While we all crave that oft-elusive kindred spirit, we may not be aware that there are actually several types. These confidantes will reflect not only the beautiful aspects of our nature, but also the darker recesses of our souls. Indeed, a soulmate is a reflection of us — what we see in them is actually ourselves, or what we would like to be. And each type will help you slowly reveal the layers of your spirit, and guide you towards finding the ultimate soulmate…

#1. The Friend Soulmate

The friend soul is the most common type of soulmate connection. These are the friends we choose and who choose us. We feel at ease and our spirits lay bare with them.
They are the people you share similar interests with. Whether it’s a friendship formed around your same taste in music or a strong dislike for something (or someone), friend souls will get along most of the time.
Although this bond is not as deep or strong compared with companion souls (#3), friend souls can sometimes morph into soul teachers (#2). While friend souls do not make very good romantic partners, they will often find themselves in that role.

#2. The Teacher Soulmate

Also referred to as Karmic Soulmates. A significant other, a friend, a family member, and even an enemy can be a teacher soul. This relationship can be romantic but it does not last. No matter how strong the attraction is, teacher souls do not make good romantic partners as they will never see you as their equal.
Karmic soulmates bring out the best and worst parts in you. They are around to teach a lesson, and what you fail to learn from one karmic soulmate, you will tend to seek from another.
More than often, teacher souls start as friends and end as near-strangers when their work is done. When that happens it’s best to accept the wisdom gained from the teacher soul and move on. Understanding why they appeared will help you appreciate them for what they were — a lesson, and nothing more.

#3. The Companion Soulmate

This relationship can be romantic in nature, but it can also be platonic, for example with a family member or a friend. Companion souls are in harmony and on the same wavelength, and they are what most people would understand when they think of the word soulmate.
These relationships are not destined to be there forever, but as with other types, they have a reason.  Often, companion souls share a life together as spouses. This means that compared with other types of soulmates, companion soul relationships are the ones which require the most effort.
It’s possible to spend your entire life with a companion soul if you have not yet met your twin soul. But if you’re lucky enough to have found both, navigating the space between these two emotionally intense soulmate relationships will be difficult, and inevitably, one soulmate will suffer through neglect.
It is possible that companion souls grow apart and follow different paths. But true companion souls will remain friends even after the romantic relationship is dead.

#4. The Twin Soul or Twin Flame Soulmate

According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves — their twin souls. When twin souls find each other, there is an unspoken understanding of one another — they feel unified and feel an inexplicable joy.
You might find your twin soul in this life, or in another. The key to finding your twin soul is experience: you will increase your chances significantly if you’ve made and learned from mistakes, and are open to receiving and giving unconditional love.
Circumstances may force twin souls apart but they will continue to be held together by love and a almost-magical type of bond. This relationship is not based on infatuation or dependency: twin souls are partners, equals, and spiritually in sync. Their life goals are compatible and complementary.
According to buddhist teachings, upon meeting your twin soul, you will feel calm and collected. Many have described the feeling of finding their twin flame as ‘coming home.’
Soulmate relationships are different from any other. They are intense connections that can be very hard to walk away from. Soulmates do not have boundaries, they will shake you up and tear you apart. Their purpose is to help you grow, and become a better person. Every soulmate offers a lesson, and every experience attests to that.
This post was republished from You can find the original post here.

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