There are angels and Archangels who rule over the astrological Zodiac and associated sun and star signs. The Zodiac is split into 12 astrological signs that are associated with 12 constellations, and the Angels of the Zodiac oversee each of these, as well as people (and animals) born under each sign.

When the time comes for our return to live another earthly life (reincarnation), we are given the opportunity to select the Star Sign we feel is most necessary in order that we learn the life lessons of our experiences. We are, of course, given choices and guidance to do this. We are told the lessons most important to each of us, and then helped to make the best choice for our growth. It is at this time that we are told of the Star Sign that will be of most benefit to our particular learning experiences, including the pitfalls as we may see them once we have incarnated.
The Angels of the Zodiac can help us to understand our astrological birth sign and how it relates to our life path and soul purpose. It tells us of our inherent traits and personality.
Archangel Camael oversees the star sign of Aries, bringing the qualities of assertiveness and confidence.
Archangel Camael relates to the Golden Ray as well as the ‘solar angels’. Archangel Camael rules the planet Mars, the star sign Aries and Tuesday.
Those born under the sign of Aries are generally outgoing, impulsive and full of ideas. They tend to be enthusiastic and often dramatic and are willing to take on challenges.
Aries has a dominant personality – but this is often to cover their feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. Ariens may often present a front of bravado, but deep down inside they are very unsure of themselves, so can be very insecure.
Aries has little or no patience for details and are easily angered. Their rages are short-lived, and grudges are quickly forgotten. Aries will explode in a fit of tempter one minute, but will have no recollection of what it was about the next.
Archangel Hagiel rules the star sign Taurus, and invokes the qualities of reliability and practicality.
Archangel Hagiel rules over the planet Venus, the star sign of Taurus and Friday.
Taurus is earthy, acute and appreciative of both physical and material comfort. Taureans enjoy luxury, beauty and high quality goods and thrive on anything which pleases the senses.
Taureans like to be production, and put that energy into power. They must be careful though, as that power must not become ‘control’.
Taureans are naturally attuned to nature and are very practical. Their life lesson is to learn ‘patience’.
Tarueans have a natural leaning towards stability and security, but they must be careful not to become trapped in the material world.
The zodiac sign of Gemini is overseen by the Archangel Rapheal. This gives those born under the sign of Gemini the traits of adaptability and of being very social.
Archangel Raphael is one of the principal angels of healing and has the capacity to guide all healers, both orthodox and complimentary.
Archangel Raphael rules over the planet Mercury and Wednesday, and is responsible for the East.
Gemini can sometimes be depicted as presenting as two separate people.
People under the influence of Gemini are often very clever and gifted, and their main tool is their mind. Geminis have a great need for variety and this may leave them with scattered energies, and this sometimes leads to nervous exhaustion. They often appear to have an insatiable thirst for learning and knowledge and have endlessly curious minds. They are gatherers of information, but don’t always share this with others.
Archangel Gabriel works with the color Orange and rules the Moon, the star sign of Cancer, and Monday. Archangel Gabriel is responsible for the West.
Those under the sign of Cancer are overseen by Archangel Gabriel, bringing the attributes of sympathy and sensitivity.
Cancer tells of the need to balance the emotions on all levels.
Those individuals born under the sign of Cancer can be instrumental in helping others, particularly in encouraging the growth and development of their emotional potential.
Cancerians often appear to be quite passive, but are extremely active underneath the surface.
On the down-side of Cancer is the ability to let go of any person or chattel they consider to be theirs. This results in the negative tendency typical of the sign; a possessiveness and tenaciousness.
Relationships are extremely important to Cancerians, but although they long for intimacy, their vulnerability in the realm of emotion makes them mistrustful.
The Zodiac sign of Leo is ruled by the Archangel Michael, who works on the Blue Ray and rules of the Sun and Sunday. Archangel Michael and the star sign Leo and is responsible for the South.
Archangel Michael aids with communication and protection and inspires one to become a seeker of higher truths and hidden knowledge.
Those under the sign of Leo are given the personality traits of generosity and ‘open-ness’.
Leos are gifted with excellent organizational skills, particularly in areas where they will earn recognition.
Leos thrive on praise and being in the limelight. They are prepared to go to great lengths to achieve credit and both public and private acclaim.
Leos are competitive and certainly like to win. Their greatest attribute lies in their capacity to be intensely individual, while at the same time loyal and generous towards those they love.
Leo’s positive qualities include warmth and sincerity, protectiveness and affection. They carry a genuine self-assurance and are generally able to tackle all that comes before them.
On the negative side, Leo’s can be vain, over-proud and extravagant. At times they have a tendency to show-off.
Archangel Raphael rules over the star sign of Virgo, the planet Mercury, Wednesday and is responsible for the East.
Archangel Raphael is one of the principal angels of healing.
Archangel Raphael is the ruler of the Zodiac sign of Virgo, and brings the attributes of efficiency and an analytical mind.
Virgo’s are known to be hardworking, paying great attention to detail. They like to be able to discriminate and scrutinize every possibility before making their selection.
The positive qualities of this sign are also apparent in their helpful, unassuming, dependable natures, while their more negative qualities often appear as over-fussiness, fault-finding and indecisiveness.
The positive qualities of this sign are also apparent in their helpful, unassuming, dependable natures, while their more negative qualities often appear as over-fussiness, fault-finding and indecisiveness.
Virgos are often shy and modest, unwilling to project themselves into the limelight. Virgo prefer to work away quietly behind the scenes without too much fuss or attention.
Virgo is methodical, painstaking and industrial, able to master the intricacies of any subject they choose to tackle.
Archangel Hagiel is the ruler of the sign of Libra, and imbues those under this sign with the traits of being harmonious and diplomatic.
Archangel Hagiel rules over the planet Venus, the star sign of Libra and Friday.
Libra seeks to weigh things up and come to an impartial judgement, not ruled by emotions and Librans seek to always balance the body and soul, mind and spirit.
Those born under the sign of Libra are known to be diplomatic, lovers of harmony needing a stable, balanced environment. Librans are known for their logic and diplomacy. Librans can see both sides of an issue, but can have difficulty making decisions. Librans like to constantly circulate and love to socialize. Their energy is one of cultivated refinement and charm.
Those born under the sign of Libra are known to be diplomatic, lovers of harmony needing a stable, balanced environment. Librans are known for their logic and diplomacy. Librans can see both sides of an issue, but can have difficulty making decisions. Librans like to constantly circulate and love to socialize. Their energy is one of cultivated refinement and charm.
Because Libra is an Air Sign, those born under it often displays a distinct intellectual streak and a love of knowledge. They like to use language exquisitely; and ‘communication’ is very important to them.
Scorpio is overseen and ruled by the Archangels Azrael and Camael.
Archangel Azrael is a ‘shepherd’ angel who rules the planet Pluto and the star sign of Scorpio.
Archangel Camael rules over the planet Mars and Tuesday.
Those under the influence of the angels of the zodiac sign of Scorpio are given powerful and intense personalities.
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of ‘hidden things’. Because of this, the Scorpio personality can become a little paranoid and obsessed about what is going on around them in their lives.
Scorpios are well known for their powerful emotional natures. They will hold on tenaciously to what is theirs and refuse to yield anything without a fight. But once a Scorpio looses interest in anything or anybody, the lack of feeling is suddenly and instantly apparent. The quality of ‘fixity’ is not one which changes easily, and fierce determination can thus reveal itself negatively and ruthlessness.
The more positive Scorpio qualities include tremendous loyalty and a sense of responsibility, but their negative aspects can be possessiveness and jealousy, and a tendency to be self-destructive and outwardly destructive. Scorpios can be quite relentless with those who hurt or betray them.
The star sign of Sagittarius is ruled by the Archangel Zadkiel, who works with the Violet Ray with the focus of spiritual growth and self-transformation. Archangel Zadkiel rules the planet Jupiter, the star sign Sagittarius and Thursday.
Those born under the influence of Sagittarius have the attributes of being optimistic and adventurous.
Sagittarians are by nature, intuitive and imaginative, but it often out of touch with the limits of reality. Sagittarius finds restrictions of all kinds to be extremely tiresome.
Sagittarius is full of wonderful ideas and creative visions, but putting them into practice is a chore which he prefers to leave to other people.
Sagittarius is full of wonderful ideas and creative visions, but putting them into practice is a chore which he prefers to leave to other people.
Sagittarians often make for wonderful philosophers and teachers, as they enjoy sharing their opinions with others. They dislike being told what to do at any time.
While the positive qualities of Sagittarius include positivity, generosity, enthusiasm, action, creativity and a fervent love of life, the negative qualities include a tendency to be dogmatic, opinionated and often tactless.
While the positive qualities of Sagittarius include positivity, generosity, enthusiasm, action, creativity and a fervent love of life, the negative qualities include a tendency to be dogmatic, opinionated and often tactless.
Capricorn is the sign of the zodiac sign that is ruled by the Archangel Asariel. Archangel Asariel rules the planet Neptune and the star sign Capricorn.
Those influenced by Capricorn are careful and responsible in all that they undertake.
Capricorn is a sign which desires status and a high position in the world, therefore, social acceptance is of great importance to them.
In realizing their ambition, Capricorns are not afraid of hard work and will suffer many hardships and obstacles to reach their goal.
There is a strong sense of determination and a powerful willpower which eventually carries Capricorns to their desired goals. Whether this is goal is financial, acclaim or power, Capricorns will set out with the utmost resolution to attain the goal.
Capricorn’s greatest talent lies in the field of organization and control. They are disciplines and structured, wasting no time or resource that are not absolutely necessary. They are also great upholders of family traditions, society and the correct way to behave within the context of family and society.
Capricorn is concerned with amassing wealth for the security it brings. This will generally bring them a position of authority and leadership, but they can be pessimistic and worry themselves unnecessarily.
Capricorns like to be organized and can be overly cautious.
The sign Aquarious is ruled by the Archangels Uriel and Cassiel, bringing the energies of being idealistic and a humanitarian.
Archangel Uriel works with the Ruby Ray with a focus upon your life path and soul mission.
Archangel Uriel is responsible for the North and rules the zodiac sign of Aquarius and the planet Uranus.
Archangel Cassiel rules the planet Saturn, the star sign Aquarius and Saturday, and is a ‘shepherd’ angel.
Aquarians tend to be independent, progressive in outlook, and humanitarian. Aquarians love the idea of helping humanity as a whole – but they often come unstuck when faced with the messy petty problems which arise in one-to-one human relationships. The Aquarian whose high ideals inspire him to work positively for humanity, is usually extremely loathe to become embroiled in the world of personal relationships.
Positively, Aquarians may come across as cold, aloof and unsympathetic. His courageous, enthusiastic ideals can easily turn to stubborn fanaticism.
The Aquarium mind is usually highly developed, but their earnest nature often gives rise to friction.
The star sign of Pisces is ruled and overseen by the Archangels Asariel and Zadkiel, making those influenced by Pisces artistic and emotional.
Archangel Asariel rules the planet Neptune and the star sign of Pisces.
Archangel Zadkiel rules the planet Jupiter and Thursday. Archangel Zadkiel works on the Violet Ray with the focus of self-transformation and spiritual growth.
Pisceans are by nature a ‘feeling type’ who acts and reacts according to how they feel rather than what is logical. They tend to be idealistic, romantic and sensitive, as well as self-sacrificing. They will sacrifice a great deal in the name of love. Pisceans love to be in love. They are romantic about everything, especially love affairs. Every aspect of life must contain some element of romance for them – otherwise they become bored and lose interest.
The general characteristics of Pisces are those of kindness, peace-loving and being responsive to the woes of others.
Pisceans are great champions of the ‘underdog’. They are generous, sympathetic and understanding, although their sensitive natures can make them moody and/or irritable.
Pisceans are great champions of the ‘underdog’. They are generous, sympathetic and understanding, although their sensitive natures can make them moody and/or irritable.
Pisceans are resourceful, inspirational and imaginative.
The angels of the Zodiac rule and oversee each of the individual star signs of the Zodiac, assisting us to understand and work with our personality traits, life lessons, experiences and influences throughout our life time.
The angels and archangels of the Zodiac oversee and rule all under the influences of their particular birth sign. We are able to communicate with the angels of the Zodiac, as with all other angels and Archangels.
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