Jupiter, the great benefic goes direct on June 9th 2017 to October 10th 2017 in Libra. Jupiter gives good luck in whatever area it is in. On a global level Good Luck is flowing in the realms of romantic relationships and all type of partnerships.

Read below to know how Jupiter is affecting your Zodiac Sign:
Jupiter is bestowing Good Luck in the area of relationships, perfect time to meet your soulmate/twinflame.
Jupiter is blessing your area of work and health. Excellent time to make money, get promoted start and succeed at a new health routine!
Jupiter is blessing your area of children/fun/creativity. Some of you may get pregnant after a long time of trying to conceive, some of you may also birth new creative projects.
Jupiter is blessing you with a new family, this is another area where the signs natives may become pregnant or adopt their partners children. Another way this can manifest is by reconciling any family issues that currently exist.
Jupiter is blessing your area of communication. You will say the right things at the right time , everyone will be eating out of your hands, use this gift with caution however.
Jupiter is blessing your area of finances and self worth. You should have finances flowing in through your earnt income sector. This can also manifest by helping you to set up a structure to receive stable income.
Jupiter is blessing your area of Identity. You know who you are and you are not afraid of the spot light. Your looks are excellent around this time.
Jupiter is blessing you in the area of psychic senses. You will have supernatural experiences that make you feel closer to the beyond and give you a new appreciation for the unseen.
Jupiter is blessing your area of friends, groups and good luck. Sagittarius is already a lucky sign as you are ruled by jupiter and in the area of good luck your luck is doubled. you will notice that you will grow beautiful associations during this time.
Jupiter is blessing your career path. You will be in the right place at the right time for promotion opportunities and new job positions will be lining up at your feet. You will land your dream job at this time.
Jupiter is blessing your area of long distance travel and deeper understanding. You may be a world traveler after this transit, or you may be travelling in your mind by coming to new understandings of life by the different people of different backgrounds you interact with.
Jupiter is Blessing the area of sex and intimacy and other people’s money. Your relationships may reach another level in intimacy and sexual expression. You may also receive monies that are gifted to you.