After 8 years together, Kristeen and
Luke Rheault have finally come to the most beautiful day of their life.
Normally at the reception there is a traditional mother-son dance. But, this
defies all tradition. The groom’s mother suffers from ALS. Her atrophied
muscles have chained her to a wheelchair. So Luke kneels down next to her
abruptly. At eye level with his mother he swings her carefully through the
ballroom and tenderly dries her tears.
In this moment the bride fell in love
with him all over again: “That was probably the most touching moment I have
ever experienced,” tells Kristeena. “There wasn’t a DRY EYE in the room.” These
4 minutes really go straight to the heart:
Shortly after the recording, Luke’s
mother died. But the groom is overjoyed that he was able to share this moment
with his mother before she died. The memory of her happy face will be stored
forever in his heart. If this last dance for a mother and sun has touched you
deeply inside, then share this emotional video.
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