You may have heard, the World Anti-Doping
Agency (WADA) has raised the acceptable THC levels for Olympic athletes. This comes, as study after study show that
THC and CBD, two active chemicals in the marijuana plant, have massive healing
properties, including a deepening of concentration, increase in tissue
oxygenation and decrease in muscle spasms before. These benefits take place before, during and
after physical exhertion.

“I use it as a way to intensify and enhance
the run,” Colorado-based long-distance runner Avery Collins told Motherboard.
“It makes the longevity of the runner’s high last longer because technically
you’re already high.”
The agency still finds it against the rules
to take THC on the day of the competition, but it is now a serious viability
for atheletes before the day of action.
One of the biggest values of THC is that upon
induction, it creates pregnenolone, the chemical that is a precursor to the
body's natural steroids. It helps people
run harder and move faster, without succumbing as readily to the pain.
In addition to eating the best foods you can,
introducing THC to the system is one of the best performance enhancing things
you can add. Use it in small doses at
opportune times; your body will thank you for it.
Also, Michael Phelps.
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