Garlic eliminates the pain in the ears and headaches
Earache is very unpleasant occurrence, but garlic can relieve pain very qgarlic in earuickly.
It is simple!
And the pain and inflammation will be gone!
Garlic will also help you to get rid of headache. In this case, you should let the garlic to remain in your ears while you sleep.
In the morning you will feel like a new person.
Garlic reduces high fever
Garlic is ideal for children. If your child has a high fever, you need to chop the garlic into slices and soak it in an apple vinegar.
Then put the garlic in a cloth and wrap it on the feet and in the ears of the child. The fever will disappear very quickly.
If you use garlic, you will stop coughing
The juice of garlic is very effective natural cough syrup, and here is the recipe:
- Clove of garlic
- 2-3 tablespoons of natural honey.
Peel and slice the garlic. Place it in a deep bowl and pour it with honey. Cover the bowl with foil or a saucer and leave it at a room temperature overnight. The next morning, you need to strain the mixture through a strainer.
This is enough syrup for a single day.
Take one tablespoon of syrup in every two hours.