Rizwan shaikh from
Mumbai shares the story of his Mother’s love and sacrifices for him. I was
shocked to see my mother today standing in a bucket full of hot water preparing
roti(food) for me before I leave to office! Her legs were paining since
yesterday but she makes sure that her children don’t leave the house empty
stomach! Now this is the unconditional love of a mother! Thank you almighty for
blessing me with such wonderful parents! May God help each and every one of us
to take care and love our parents till the end…
No Blessing is Bigger than the Blessings of Your Parents… We all have
seen our Mother waking up early morning just to prepare our breakfast/lunch for
school/college/office, she does countless sacrifices just so we can live with
comforts, Your Parents do Everything for
you, When the Time comes for you to “Give Back” to them Make sure you NEVER
Turn your Back on them.
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