When eating out, I always ask my server for water with no
ice and they often look at me like I am crazy. But I am not, and below I
explain why.
First, take a minute to close your eyes and imagine the
It is spring and you are standing on a wooden dock that
extends into a high mountain lake. While the temperature in the air is fairly
warm, the top layer of the lake has only recently melted and you can tell by
the color of the crystal clear blue water that it is anything but warm. You
close your eyes and dive in.
What does your body do? What does your skin do? Are you
relaxed and open, or tight and constricted?

“You probably know that warm water opens your pores and
makes your skin feel looser, while cold water closes your pores and constricts
your skin. Guess what? Drinking cold water does the same thing to your
digestive tract!”
What Happens When You Drink Cold Water..
– When you drink cold beverages your blood vessels shrink,
your digestion becomes restricted and hydration is hindered.
– Instead of working to digest the food and absorb the
nutrients to create energy, your body is expending energy to regulate your
temperature. This can lead to water loss.
– Drinking cold water after a meal creates excess mucus in
your body, which can lead to a decrease in immune system function, making it
easier to catch colds and illnesses.
– If you eat food while drinking cold beverages or
immediately after, the water temperature solidifies fats from the foods we’ve just
eaten and the body in turn finds it hard to digest the unwanted fats from our
Some people say that drinking ice water is beneficial
because it burns more calories. I argue that we do not want to make our
digestive system have to work harder; we want to makes things as easy on it as
we can. There are many other ways to burn calories!
Benefits to Drinking Warm Water..
Here are some benefits to drinking water that is room
temperature or warmer:
– Faster + increased hydration.
– Natural digestive enzymes are stimulated and therefore
your digestion is enhanced.
– Food breaks down more easily.
– Your bowels move better (warm water with lemon in the
morning is great for this!).
– It purifies your blood and increases your bodies natural
detoxification processes via your skin, kidneys and lymphatic system.
Once you get into the habit of drinking water at room
temperature or warm, you will notice a dramatic improvement in your digestion
and the way your body feels while eating and after the meal. Some people have
also reported reduction in sugar cravings.
So, the next time you eat out ask your server to “Hold the