There are several types of stomachs and we’re going to tell
you how it is easier to get rid of them.
Before you start with a strict diet, you’ll need to find out
why is your stomach like that. These are most common types of stomach, so with
slight changes in your life style you can make some corrections.

01. Flat tire tummy..
This type of tummy describes people who sit all of the time.
They have jobs that keep them desk-bound. These people consume food rich with
sugar, white bread and pasta. This type of tummy can be reduced easily and
mostly through food. First of all you must throw out alcohol and soda, and
reduce sweets and white flour.
02. Stress tummy (low stomach)..
This type of tummy is found in people who are perfectionists,
which means they have problems with digestion and bloating. Under big stress,
the body produces cortisol, hormone which encourages the body to cling onto fat
around the stomach. One of the reasons for this is skipping meals, junk food
and too much caffeine. Try with relaxing, consuming more small meals and
reducing cigarettes and caffeine.
03. Low tummy in skinny people..
This tummy is very low, and describes mums or women who
don’t have time and are dedicated to their careers with long work days. They
are eating the same foods and mostly by foot. This tummy is very common with
the slim people, and stays besides of physical activities.Most important is the
food to be balanced, to have different ingrediends, and the menu to be always
colourful. Also every time when you have chance you need to go to the